Center for Wisdom and Compassion
Time & Location
23. apr. 2022, 10.00 – 12.00
Zoom Meeting
About the Event
All are welcome to attend but only members have voting rights.
Meeting agenda
1. Motivation and refuge
2. Designation of meeting conductor and minute taker
3. Annual report presented by the board
4. Electing internal auditors retrospectively for 2020 and 2021
5. Presentation and approval of the annual accounts for 2020
6. Presentation and approval of the annual accounts for 2021
7. Presentation of the budget for 2021
8. Amendment of the statutes
9. Proposals by the board and members
10. Election of the board
11. Election of internal auditors for 2022
12. Setting the membership fee
13. Any other business
14. Dedication
Election of the board
The current board is up for reelection. Potential new candidates should submit their candidacy
to martin-cvm@fpmt.dk on 18 th April at latest. Candidates for the board must be members of
the center, approve of the purpose of the center as stated in the statutes and follow the FPMT
guidelines for board members.
Proposals for the general meeting
If you want to bring up proposals for discussion, please also submit them beforehand to