Center for Wisdom and Compassion
Deepening the Essence of Tantra with Rob Preece - Module 4
fre. 22. okt.
Time & Location
22. okt. 2021, 17.00 CEST – 24. okt. 2021, 17.00 CEST
About the Event
Deepening the Essence of Tantra - Module 4
Tantric practice is a profound approach to the complete transformation and liberation of
our body, speech and mind from what limits and obscures their natural potential. Often it is
considered that the visualisation of colourful and inspiring deities is central to this way of
practice. This is partly true but tantric practice is so much more when we fully understand
how it ‘works’. Tantra becomes a way of integrating many different aspects of our life into a
radical process of awakening. Our mind, our emotional and psychological life, our creative
life, our body and relationships are all aspects of this process. All that we are is included
within this path of alchemical transformation.
In this second module series we will develop and deepen the practices introduced in the
Tasting the Essence of Tantra series. As we go into more depth you will learn more of the
details and subtleties of practice. Throughout there will be an emphasis on how meditation
within the tantric tradition can approach our psychological healing and transformation.
The would Tantra in Sanskrit means ‘weave’. When we go deeper into the nature of a deity
we discover that each one provides a weave or matrix of practices that form a way of
transformation and healing we can gradually bring into our experience. During this module
series the following elements will be part of that weave:
At the heart of this series of retreats will be a broadening and deepening of the
scope of Mahamudra practice which is the underlying ground of the path. There will
be an emphasis on how mahamudra supports the exploration and healing of
psychological wounding often present within or beneath our spiritual path.
This will be integrated with an embodied process that will enhance and cultivate our
relationship to the energy-body and its subtle nature. This will include energy-body
exercises to support the meditation and help the release of psychological and
emotional process.
We will explore ways in which each deity will offer an approach to healing and
transformation that is unique. Each one represents a healing matrix that can address
particular psychological experiences. In this second series we will deepen this
exploration bringing greater closeness to their qualities and how we can manifest
them in our life.
These retreats will include elements of the gnondro, sometimes called preliminaries.
You will learn how they can be carried out as foundations specifically within the
context of these deity practices. Many of these foundations are there to clear and
heal obstacles, deepen awareness and cultivate the necessary energy to awaken. To
this end we will include Refuge/Bodhicitta; Prostrations; Mandala offerings and guru
yoga all within the context of practice.
As the retreats progress there will be growing emphasis on working with the nature
of energy-body practices both within meditation as well as through the practice of
KumNye. This will correspond to the particular deity we are working with and its
relationship to our ‘emotional body’
At the core of this approach to tantric practice in an emphasis upon the body and
the nature of embodiment for the welfare of others.
Coming to this series from the previous modules, you will have a good ground of
understanding of the processes of tantric practice. We will build upon that so that you can
begin to cultivate a deeper relationship to personal practice and your relationship to each
deity. As we move forward one or perhaps two deities may become particularly significant
so that you may wish to “specialise” and focus upon these in particular. They may then
become what are called our Yidam or heart deity. If this begins to emerge then it will be
helpful to discuss this more specifically with Rob.
Dynamic Compassion: A Green Tara retreat.
To benefit others, we need both compassion and wisdom, we also need to know how to move towards suffering and how to stay with our own resources. Responding to the suffering of others is not straight forward, doubt and uncertainty will limit us and a lack of wisdom can make what we do lack skill or effectiveness. Green Tara is the Bodhisattva of dynamic compassion and all accomplishing wisdom and she shows us the example of how to respond to the suffering of others from a place of spacious clarity, authenticity and groundedness. During this retreat we will explore the different aspects of Tara’s dynamic nature in particular within her body mandala where she manifests the qualities of peace, increase, power and wrath. For those who have attended the Essence of Tantra series this weekend will deepen your expereince and understanding of Tara’s nature.
Saturday & Sunday
10h - 11h30 : Session 1
11h30 - 11h 50 Tea Break
11h50 - 13h: Session 2
13- 14h Lunch break
14h - 15h30: Session 3
15h30 - 15h50 Tea Break
15h50 - 17h: Session 4
About the teacher
ROB PREECE (BSc. Adv. Dip. Transpersonal Psychology UKCP reg.)
Following a 4 year apprenticeship in electronics engineering Rob went to university to study psychology. It was at this time he met both the work of C.G. Jung and Buddhism. In 1973 after a period of travel he met Lama Thubten Yeshe and Lama Zopa Rinpoche in Nepal. Since that time he has been a practicing Tibetan Buddhist.
After working as a social worker Rob was part of a small group that founded a Buddhist centre in the UK for his Tibetan teachers. For the next four years he studied the foundations of Tibetan practice in that Buddhist community. In 1980 he returned to India and was in retreat for much of the next five years. This gave him a chance to explore the practices of the Tantric tradition in some depth meditating under the guidance of Lama Yeshe, Zopa Rinpoche and Gen Jhampa Wangdu in particular. While in India he was fortunate enough to receive teachings on many of the important aspects of Tibetan Buddhism, in particular Tantric teachings, from Lamas such as H.H. Dalai Lama, Song Rinpoche and many others. It also gave him the opportunity to learn Thangka (Tantric Icons) painting.
Returning to the west he at first lived as a Tangkha painter and then in 1985 he trained as a psychotherapist principally with the Center for Transpersonal Psychology. This began the process of bringing together the two worlds of Buddhism and Western psychology. He has been a practicing psychotherapist since 1988 gradually developing a style that is a synthesis of Buddhist and Jungian understanding.
Since 1985 he has been leading meditation retreats following the instruction and guidance of his teachers. Lama Yeshe was particularly influential is this, supporting his integration of a more Western approach. This has meant gradually guiding people through a kind of apprenticeship in the practice of Tantra. Rob's one-to-one work is now principally spiritual mentoring bringing together his experience of both Eastern and Western approaches.
He is the author of many books bridging the Tibetan tradition with Western psychology intended to support Buddhist practice in contemporary life. These include The psychology of Buddhist Tantra; The Wisdom of Imperfection; The courage to Feel; Preparing for Tantra; Feeling Wisdom and Tasting the Essence of Tantra.
Rob leads many meditation retreats in the UK some of which incorporate a movement practice facilitated by Anna. He also teaches in Europe and the US. As a father of two sons, an experienced Tangka painter and a keen gardener he tries to ground Buddhist practice in a creative practical lifestyle.
Please create a retreat-like environment in your home where you can enjoy the sessions undisturbed.
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Use the chat for writing questions that the Tech Support will read out loud, or wait till the Q & A portion of the day to ask them directly.
At any given time, use the chat function with the Tech Support Assistant for any info regarding the course, technical difficulties or assistance you might require.
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can be made via mobile pay from Denmark using the number 833454 (the name of our center should pop up on the next step)
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Danske Bank IBAN no.: DK1030000009945024 BIC/SWIFT: DABADKKK note in the comment section "donation DTOT"
All bookings are NON REFUNDABLE.
You will however have the choice to:
give/sell your spot to a person of your choosing and inform us at least 24h prior to the retreat.
Financial difficulties
Should not prevent you from attending this retreat. We can establish a payment plan in instalments that fits your means.
For any questions, write to us at